PEPPERED ORANGE TERIYAKI$12.00PriceThis citrus sweet jerky is cooked with real ginger and traditional eastern spices. As you chew it will, you will get a refreshing citrus taste that will make you feel as though you've been transported to an orange grove. Quantity*Price Options*One-time purchase$12.00Subscription Subscribe & Save 10%$10.80every month until canceledSubscribe Now
PEPPERED ORANGE TERIYAKI$12.00PriceThis citrus sweet jerky is cooked with real ginger and traditional eastern spices. As you chew it will, you will get a refreshing citrus taste that will make you feel as though you've been transported to an orange grove. Quantity*Price Options*One-time purchase$12.00Subscription Subscribe & Save 10%$10.80every month until canceledSubscribe Now